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Rent Bogor Valley Apartment
Bogor Valley address - Jl. Sholeh Iskandar No.10, RT.05/RW.11, Kedungbadak, Kec. Tanah Sereal, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16164, Indonesia
Rent Bogor Valley apartment in Bogor, Bogor cheap with Flokq. Rental terms available from 1 year. The unit types available for rent at Bogor Valley are Studio, 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom and 3 Bedroom and more.
0 apartment units for rent, cheap at Bogor Valley Apartment, Bogor, Bogor. Rent Period starts from .
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Bogor Valley Apartment at a Glance
Latest Reviews for Bogor Valley Apartment
3 Reviews
Bogor Valley Apartment Comfort and Convenience
Bogor Valley Apartment Facilities
Location of Bogor Valley Apartment
Neighborhood of Bogor Valley Apartment
Shopping center: Bogor Valley Apartment is close to the nearest shopping centers including Bogor Indah Plaza, Lotte Grosir Bogor, Bogor Square and Yogya Mall. The existence of a shopping center around the apartment will certainly make it easier for you to meet your daily needs.
Restaurants and Bars: If you are tired of home cooking and eating and nearby malls, you can try and visit nearby restaurants. Sereh Wangi, Excelso, Simple Restaurant are 3 restaurants that you can easily reach from this apartment. If you prefer seafood, Lemongrass Wangi. If you want coffee, Excelso is nearby. If you prefer Padang cuisine, Restoran Sederhana is a great choice!
Night life: Unfortunately, there are no nightclubs or bars near Bogor Valley Apartment. But you don't have to worry! You can drive to Kemang to visit some cool and comfortable clubs and bars.
Transportation: This apartment can be reached by using public transportation or by private vehicle. If you want to use KRL transportation, this apartment is close to Bogor KRL Station. This apartment is close to access to the BORR (Bogor Outer Ring Road) Toll Gate which makes it easier for you, especially for those of you who are from Jakarta who want to have a vacation in Bogor City.
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