Online Apartment Hunting Tips

The days when looking for apartments in newspapers or catalogs are long gone. Nowadays, searching for apartments may only require your gadget or laptop and finding it can be anywhere you like while doing anything you want. Because apartment listings can be accessed through virtual databases and rental search engines. This feature helps you to find what suits you a lot easier and simpler. 

However, if you’re new to this type of apartment search the process may leave you with confusion. For example, you have zero ideas on where to start. Moreover, having vast options would make you question your first parameters. Worry not, because we have listed the best steps for an online apartment hunting. These steps below are going to be your best friend during your search.

read more about what to consider when apartment hunting here

1. Finding the best apps or websites to look for.

Today, we are facing a digital and instant era where a myriad of apartment search apps and websites are blooming. Inside these apps, you’re going to encounter basic information about the apartments. Starting from the price, location, facilities, and more. The rental search engines basically listed essential key features about the apartment as it used to in the newspaper. But, the plus point from digital search is that the agents tend to provide clearer pictures about the apartment and you can talk directly with the agent easily. There are various apps or websites for you to venture into. You can find it via App Store/Play Store or Google. 

2. It may be simple, but don’t take it for granted.

In fact, lots of people take their online apartment search lightly. Because they think that the process is way simpler than it used to, hence they neglect the consequences afterward. Keep in mind that, a little extra work won’t harm you in finding the best apartments and give you a rental that may be nicer than what you could pay for the same monthly fee. The secret to finding the best apartment in your city is a thorough and thoughtful apartment search. Just like finding a suitable house. People are inclined to put much effort into it. Such as hiring professionals to give advice or whatsoever. Wouldn’t you apply the same attention to an apartment search? Remember that we’re talking about finding you a home. A place for you to rest, grow, and live. Make sure that your apartment is exactly what you want for your sake of comfort. 

3. List specific criteria for your apartment search.

Before you dig into the apartment search, ensure that you’ve listed several criteria that you want for your future apartment. The more details you give, the better. So that you can mitigate and shrink the numerous options feature on the list. By doing this you can save more time in finding a suitable one. Various criteria commonly used such as the price range, locations, desired number of bedrooms or bathrooms, the type of neighborhoods, certain required facilities, allowing pets or not, and more. Lee Williams, a New York licensed real estate salesperson at Level Group, suggests organizing and prioritizing your list into three key points:

• Must-haves

• Nice to have, but can do without

• Dream apartment features. 

Adjust the criteria according to your necessities. After that, use your criteria as your main benchmark for assessing the apartments. That way you’ll know when you’re ready to compromise and how your budget will translate. 

4. Establish your budget.

One of the most important aspects of looking for an apartment is a budget. Tailor your budget accordingly with the apartment’s criteria you want. Be reasonable. If you want to find a big nice apartment in a high-end business district, be prepared amidst a high rental fee. Even though, there’s still a chance that you’ll encounter something out of the ordinary. In other words, you might find a nice apartment in a great location at a lower price. However, setting your budget is essential at all costs. Not being able to pay the rent is the last thing you should do. While establishing your budget, don’t forget to find out about what utilities that are already included in the rental fee. This helps you to not underestimate or overestimate your expenses.

5. Look for pictures, real pictures.

Online apartment search can be tricky. Foremost, not every picture posted on the apartment site is a real picture taken from the place. Before you decide anything, ensure that you are looking at the real pictures of the apartment. Even better, if the site or app allows you to have a virtual walk-in, don’t miss out on the feature. Having a realistic view of the apartment can help you to choose better. You can visualize the apartment condition and whether you like the apartment or not thoroughly after seeing the pictures. Keep in mind that pictures may be your sole answer regarding the apartment’s whereabouts in the online apartment search. Hence, don’t hesitate to ask regarding the pictures to the leasing agent.

6. Pay attention to the ratings or reviews.

As an online apartment searcher, you should consider the people’s reviews who used to live in the buildings or currently live there. Because generally, almost every reviewer is telling the truth. Hence, take a look at what they think and their experience regarding the place may be essential. By acknowledging the reviews, you can picture and take into consideration the real condition of the apartment. Also, higher ratings are solid proof to determine whether the apartment is high-demanded or not. A high-demanded apartment indicates good deals and a great place.  

7. Learn to compromise.

The chances of you getting the exact apartment you want-affordable price, great location, ideal amenities-is somehow small. What we’re trying to tell you is that you are most likely going to compromise some of your ideal criteria. Determine what are the things that you are willing to negotiate. Then, take a leap of faith and book the apartment. A good apartment doesn’t sit around long.

Online apartment hunting is an exciting and challenging thing at the same time. Various obstacles may greet you along the way. Just keep in mind that as long as you are paying attention to the essential list, you are good to go.

find out more about online apartment hunt for beginners

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