Interesting Facts We Bet You Don’t Know About Warung

Do you often see small stalls on the sidewalks in the streets of Jakarta? Have you ever wondered what they sell? Why do they not open their own store in a proper place? We got it all covered. We are here to answer your questions related to these stalls or as what Indonesians said Warung. Here are 5 facts about warung that you need to know.

  • What is the real definition of warung?

Warung is a small shop or kiosk that sells pretty much everything from cold beverages such as the famous Teh Botol, crackers, candies to stationaries such as scissors and glues. Snacks are also common items you can find in a warung. Some sell fritters that go with a cup of coffee, and in some warung, you can find a rice set of neatly-packaged fried rice. 

There are different types of warung that are differentiated with the things that they sell. A Warung Sasi is similar to a restaurant, they usually serve a lot of side dishes to choose from and it goes with what Indonesians love, rice. These shops are very popular among employees and college students because of affordable food varieties. Warung Kopi are the stalls people go to hang out with their neighbors or colleagues. These stalls usually sell cassava fritters, fresh fruits, and coffee. Back in the old days, there were Warung Internet (warnet) which owners will rent a computer with a stable internet connection and Warung Telekomunikasi (wartel) which rents landlines.

The history of warung started in the 1960s. The appearance of warung was during Soekarno’s presidency when infrastructures were built in the capital city of Jakarta. The men would go out to work as laborers while their wives use the opportunity to build their own shop (warung). The affordable yet delicious cuisines that you can find in warung attract different people with different backgrounds. Even though it is called Warung Tegal (an area in central java), it was more popular in Jakarta. Even up to this day, there were at least 34.725 warteg across the Jabodetabek area (Okezone, 2010). 

Nowadays, there are lots of emerging startups to help warung owners to have more stability to their incomes. For example, an app called Warung Pintar, helps warung entrepreneurs to find a proper location for their shop and ask for financial consultations. Warung Pintar will facilitate these entrepreneurs to transform their traditional shop to have more adequate utensils such as refrigerators, dispensers, and in some cases, wifi is given. 

It’s nice to have someone to serve you food without waiting for too long, especially when your stomach has been crumbling for a while. That’s why warungs are available and is a perfect choice for you to choose from different types of side dish along with your rice. Here are our top picks for the famous warungs that you can find in Jakarta.

  1. Warteg 21

This famous warung is located in PuloGadung area, East Jakarta. There are a lot of options that you can choose from. Try to combine your portion of rice with some chicken curry (Gulai Ayam), stir-fried soybean cake (Tempe Orek), along with spicy sambal. Prices were very affordable and you can eat scrumptiously below 30 thousand rupiahs. The president, Joko Widodo, has eaten in this warung. That gives you the reassurance that this is a recommended spot to try!

Warteg 21

Jl. Tanah Mas Raya No.39, RT.3/RW.1, Kayu Putih, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13210

  1. Warteg Kharisma Bahari

This is another place for you to try when exploring different warungs in Jakarta. With more than  200 locations spread around Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang, Bogor, and Bekasi, most of them are open for 24 hours that you can satisfy your craving at any time of the day. Try out different combinations that go along with your rice such as spicy sambal-coated coat, omelet, and stir-fried bean sprouts.

Warteg Kharisma Bahari

Jl. Lapangan Bola No.6, RT.7/RW.1, Kb. Jeruk, Kec. Kb. Jeruk, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11530

Jl.Ciputat Raya no.30 RT.03 Rw.07 kebayoran lama, RT.3/RW.4, Kby. Lama Utara, Kecamatan Kebayoran, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12240

Jl. Pedurenan Masjid III No.58, RT.14/RW.4, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940

  1. Warung Gang Mangga

This 24-hour food stall that has been around since 1984 is one of the legendary stalls in Jakarta. There are plenty of food options here in this tall with different kinds of chicken, eggs, tofu, cod fish, fritters, and so on. Celebrities and YouTubers have all tried to come to this place which always has a long queue outside.The crowd’s favorite include the combination of stir-fried soybean cake (Orek Tempe Basah), fried chicken in soysauce (Ayam Kecap), spicy crunchy fish (Ikan Garing Sambal), and omelette (Telur Dadar).

Warung Gang Mangga

Jl. Kemurnian V No.1C, RT.15/RW.1, Glodok, Kec. Taman Sari, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11120

  1. Warung Warmo

Located in Tebet, South Jakarta, this 24-hour stall became one of the people’s choices including celebrities, singers, and influencers. There are more than 40 varieties of side dishes including fish, shrimp, squid, vegetables, beef, and many more! Many people opt for the combination of rice, potato fritters (Perkedel), Manado spicy chicken (Ayam Rica), fried cow’s lungs (Paru Goreng), and fried soybean cake (Tempe Goreng).

Warung Warno

Jl. Tebet Timur Raya No.1D, RT.8/RW.10, Tebet Tim., Kec. Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12810

The number of warungs starts to decrease as they can’t compete with the emergence of mini-markets and supermarkets, which offer more variety of food and beverages. These new places also give off the idea that they are more hygienic and have better quality for customers to be consumed. Despite all that, warung has created a sense of identity for Indonesians. You can still find a warung at almost every corner of the street. 

You need a dessert after having the main course, sweet cake is a perfect option for you!

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