Tips You Must Know Before Moving to Jakarta – the Relocation Guide
Since Jakarta is the capital city, lots of companies open their office here. It can be different if you are an ex-pat who chooses to reside here. You will have to consider several substantial terms of living here. From the cultures, living costs, people, foods, rules, and legal documents need to be prepared. Lots of expats who choose to move to Jakarta even confirms that this city is very friendly and feels very homey.
7 Common Misconception About Indonesia
10 Things You Should Know Before Moving to Jakarta
Jakarta is also a multicultural city. You can see it from the people, the varieties of foods, the entertainments, etc. Therefore, you will certainly meet lots of ethnic living in this city from local people, Chinese, Arabian, Indian, French, American, Australian, etc. But still, the majority of locals are Muslim. So, keep in mind that this country still holds the values of this religion quite strictly.

2BR at 6th Floor

2BR at 15th Floor

3BR at 1st Floor

2BR at 17th Floor

3BR at 8th Floor

1BR at 12nd Floor
It is indeed not an easy thing to do to move to such a big city like Jakarta. But don’t worry! Here, we give you some tips when you’re planning to reside in Jakarta. Take a look!

This legal document is highly needed. Choose according to your purpose. There are several types such as tourists, business travelers, and expatriates. Truthfully, it is considered strict to get a work permit or visa in Indonesia due to the high unemployment rate in Jakarta. You can contact the Indonesian Embassy or Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Indonesia to register and apply. Plus, it is also helpful if you hit expat online forum in Jakarta. You might get small details that will make you easier to apply for the visa.
We have also written articles about how to get a working permit in Indonesia
Guide for Working Permit in Indonesia
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Even if you travel to another country, it is always better to learn their basic language not only as knowledge but also survival skills. The official language is Indonesian even tho English is quite speakable in this country. Don’t worry, the Indonesian language is not that complicated and quite easy. You can learn through various platforms. From websites, books, or even a tutor that provides Indonesian courses for people who are willing to learn. However, there are some informal Indonesian languages or slang words that are used daily. This slang might be challenging since every region has its own slang. The easiest way to learn is just google or ask your Indonesian friends or connection.
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Most Asian country still holds its conservative values that are unspoken. For example, when you first meet new people it starts with handshakes. In terms of clothes, make sure you wear something that is not too revealing. Since the weather is hot and humid, cotton-based and comfortable clothes are recommended.
Take extra care of your belongings if you are in public areas. If you want to know more about the cultures and having a better experience there are several art festivals you can try to see from the Java Jazz Festival, Jakarta International Film Festival, etc.
The crime rate in this developed country is high so better to take better care of your belongings. However, most Indonesian people are considered friendly and humble. So you will get along easier.
Choose Place to Live
When you move here you don’t want to stay homeless upon arrival. Plan and book first. There are various options for life here. From kost, apartment, or house. The term of co-living is started to quite common here. It helps you so much if you happen to be an ex-pat. The community provided by this co-living type can help you adjust to the environment of living in Jakarta. Kost is the most affordable one. On the other hand, the apartment offers various facilities and types from high-end to low-end. If you’re interested in house options, it will require you to put extra care and extra money for utilities, renovation, maintenance, etc.
A Guide to the Best Residential Neighborhoods in Jakarta
Best Websites to Find Apartments in Jakarta
Secure a Job
If the main reason for you to move is that you get a contract job here, you are safe. If you are looking for a job here several websites can help you find a new job. They are Linkedin.com, Indeed.com, glassdoor.com, glints.com, etc. You also need a working visa and work permit that makes you legally able to work here.
The work hour in Jakarta normally is from 9-5 from Monday to Friday. However, a flexible working hour option is also getting popular in several companies. Sometimes, employers who hire an employee from abroad also give extra facilities and provide housing and cars for expats.
Explore More

Jakarta is the home for various entertainments that you don’t wanna miss. From elite malls to the more affordable ones. You’ll also meet a wide range of restaurants that offer Indonesian foods, western foods, Chinese Food, Fusions. Etc. Nightlife and clubs are quite popular too. SCBD in South Jakarta and Senopati is popular with clubs, nightlife, and bars with high quality.
For a healthier lifestyle, you can try several healthy or fit classes using Guavapass or Classpass. Shopping malls widely spread from all over Jakarta. From high class to a more affordable one. Try to blend in with the local transportation like busway, MRT, Taxi, and online ojek (ojol).
There are several tourist attractions that you don’t wanna miss such as National Monumen, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah ( giving you experience to getting to know more about Indonesian cultures), Bundaran HI, etc. There is also a city tour that you can try if you want to explore more about Jakarta more simply. Jakarta is divided into 5 areas which are South Jakarta, North Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, and Central Jakarta. Each area has its entertainment and tourist attractions you can try. There is also some expats forum that will help you adapt to your new situation.
Last but not least, the key to the move to another country or visit makes a good plan, and sharpen your adaptive skills. Along the way, you will feel comfortable and succeed. Good luck!
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