Public Transportation Options in Jakarta
Jakarta took 10th place for the world’s worst traffic last year. As one of the largest megalopolises in the world, with a population of more than ten million, it’s not hard to see why. With the additional one million people coming from the outskirts of the city, commuting at the same time the road resulted in daily traffic congestion.
Read also: Traffic in Jakarta 101
Fortunately, there is a slight improvement in traffic due to the development of public transportation in Jakarta. Now with the convenience of integrated mass public transportation systems implemented in Jakarta, people are less apprehensive and have more confidence in using them. So, get with the locals and choose Jakarta’s public transportations as your preferred mode of travel. Here we have made the list of public transportations you can take to go around Jakarta:
Transjakarta (BRT)

TransJakarta is a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, a first of its kind in South East Asia. Opened to the public in 2004, it provides cheap mass transportation options to the people, especially around the business district areas of Jakarta. It is the primary mode of public transportation for Jakartans with 260 bus shelters all around the city. TransJakarta runs on fixed 13 routes and has around 3900 busses operated each day catered for the high-mobility of Jakartans. After the integration of mass transportation in Jakarta, TransJakarta has several routes connected to the MRT and LRT stations. Hence, it reaches more areas and providing better service to the people. However, during rush hours, the busses will often be overcrowded. Thus, we recommend you to use other modes of transport at that time.
Read also: Should You Get A Car In Jakarta?
It is important to note that since 2015, TransJakarta has been exclusively using prepaid cards, instead of cash or paper tickets. The prepaid cards are bank-issued cards from BRI (Brizzi), BCA (Flazz), BNI (TapCash), Mandiri (e-money), Bank DKI (JakCard), and Bank Mega (MegaCash). You can get one from TransJakarta bus shelters or at the aforementioned Bank who issued it. If you choose to get one from the bus shelter, it will be priced around Rp40.000 with Rp20.000 credit included.
Price : 05.00 – 07.00 (Rp2.000), 07.00 – 05.00 (Rp3.500) (Flat rate)
Official Website : www.jakartamrt.co.id
Route Map : www.transjakarta.co.id/peta-rute/
Operational Hours : 24-Hour
Metro MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)

Opened to the public in March 2019, Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system is built in the hope of helping to lessen traffic jams in Jakarta. Unfortunately, because it is still a recent system, there aren’t many stops yet. MRT Jakarta is still undergoing further development and for now only has one line, .i.e. North-East Line with 13 stops from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI. The transit stations are centered around the business hubs of Jakarta to cater to the large-quantity of commuting workers. Typical of Jakarta’s other modes of public transportation, it can get overcrowded during lunch hour and in the evening, after office hours.
MRT also uses the prepaid card issued from banks. But, it also uses Jelajah, a payment card that is issued by MRT Jakarta itself which is sold at ticketing machines and counters at the stations. The fare of MRT is a bit higher than the average price of public transportation in Jakarta, but with less traveling time and a chance to avoid traffic, it is worth it to spend a bit more.
Price : Starts from Rp3.000/trip (Price depends on the distance)
Official Website : https://lrtjakarta.co.id/
Route Map : https://www.jakartamrt.co.id/peta-jalur-mrt/
Operational Hours : Monday – Sunday (05.00 – 24.00)
LRT (Light Rail Transit)

LRT Jakarta
Finished by the end of 2019, Jakarta Light Rail System (LRT) is the newest public transportation in Jakarta. For now, it has 16 cars operating in one route between Velodrome and Kelapa Gading with only six stations: Velodrome, Equestrian, Pulomas, Boulevard Selatan, Boulevard Utara, and Pegangsaan Dua. Because of the close distance, it will only take approximately 3 minutes of travel time between each station. The six transit stations are integrated with BRT stations where you can get a connection to other areas using TransJakarta busses. Similar to the other public transportations we mentioned above, it accepts payment in the form of prepaid cards issued by the banks or a Single Trip Card (STJ) available at the Ticket Vending Machine (TVM), which costs Rp20.000 with Rp5.000 credit included.
Price : Rp5.000/trip (Flat rate)
Official Website : https://lrtjakarta.co.id/
Route Map : https://www.lrtjakarta.co.id/rute.html
Operational Hours : Monday – Sunday (05.30 -23.00)
KRL Commuter Line

The commuter line of Indonesia Railway Company or PT.KAI caters to the commuters from Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) which include Jakarta and its satellite towns. The KRL Commuter Line is probably the most crowded public transportation in the Greater Jakarta with more than a million passengers a day. Constructed in 2008, the commuter line has the widest reach than any other mode of public transportation in Jakarta, reaching Bekasi, Depok, Bogor, and Tangerang Selatan on the outskirts of Jakarta region. Now it has 90 trains in service to sustain the need for cheap and accessible public transport. Before riding the KRL Commuter Line, you must download KRL Access on Play Store, which is an app that displays information about the schedule of a certain station or route. That way you can predict when you should arrive at the station and never be late again.
Similar to previous public transportations, it accepts prepaid cards issued by the banks or e-tickets issued by PT.KAI. There are two types of e-ticket: KMT or “Kartu Multi Trip” (Multi Trip Card) and THB or “Tiket Harian Berjamin” (Single Trip Card), both you can get at the counters or TVM. If you are planning to use the commuter line regularly, we recommend you to buy the Multi Trip Card.
Price : Starts from Rp3.000/trip (Price depends on the distance)
Official Website : http://www.krl.co.id/
Route Map : http://www.krl.co.id/peta-rute-loopline/
Operational Hours : 24-hour
(Schedule differ for each route)
Ready to explore the city? If you want to learn more tips on commuting in Jakarta, just click here!
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