Tag: jakarta

Best Career Counselors in Jakarta

Best Career Counselors in Jakarta

You might be a senior in high school who’s wondering what career you would like to take in the future….

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Bulk Stores in Jakarta

Bulk Stores in Jakarta

Jakarta is a metropolitan city with a dense population. You can complete your daily needs and hobbies through a variety…

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Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in South Jakarta

Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in South Jakarta

Are you ready for another stroll into the best beer parlors in Jakarta? Be prepared. South Jakarta is not only…

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Best Beer Places: Home for the Beers in East Jakarta

Best Beer Places: Home for the Beers in East Jakarta

A beerhouse is a place that serves beer for consumption at the spot. In modern times, the definition of beerhouse…

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Top 6 Hobby Expos in Jakarta

Top 6 Hobby Expos in Jakarta

The Jakartans’ idea of weekends isn’t just lazing around or going to lunch at malls. They also nurture hobbies, from…

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6 Best Western Restaurants in Jakarta

6 Best Western Restaurants in Jakarta

Jakarta is a multicultural city with various cultures mingling together. Due to the diversity, the food culture in Jakarta is…

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Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in North Jakarta

Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in North Jakarta

A beerhouse is a place that serves beer for consumption at the spot. In modern times, the definition of beerhouse…

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7 Best Annual Music Festivals in Jakarta

7 Best Annual Music Festivals in Jakarta

As a music listener, a music festival is one great way to have fun. Aside from being able to listen…

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Grab a Drink at the Best Bars in Kebayoran Baru

Grab a Drink at the Best Bars in Kebayoran Baru

Kebayoran Baru is known to be the center of the nightlife in South Jakarta. Reputedly, people in South Jakarta especially…

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7 Recommended Caterings for Your Event Around Jakarta

7 Recommended Caterings for Your Event Around Jakarta

People often said that the most important factor in an event is the food, even though there are décor, souvenirs,…

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