
Your Guide to Jakarta

Home Improvement Stores in Jakarta

Home Improvement Stores in Jakarta

Building the look to your perfect home is no easy job. It takes time, research, passion, and a lot of…

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Best Pempek Shops in Jakarta

Best Pempek Shops in Jakarta

Who doesn’t know Pempek, typical food from Palembang. Palembang’s special food has become one of the typical foods and one…

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Best Cleaning Apps in Jakarta

Best Cleaning Apps in Jakarta

To build a beautiful home, you must keep your home clean. That is an absolute no.1 rule in housekeeping no…

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Indonesian Slang Words

Indonesian Slang Words

Have you ever encountered any difficulties understanding Bahasa? Maybe the pronunciation? Or perhaps the spellings? Or possibly, there are words…

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Recommended Scented Candles for Your Home

Recommended Scented Candles for Your Home

You might already know that a scented candle could be used as a warmer and deodorizer to relieve odor in…

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Horse Riding in Jakarta

Horse Riding in Jakarta

Horses, beautiful horses! The animal that has been human’s greatest aid since the dawn of civilization. Although not abundant, Indonesia…

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Best Places for Corporate Outing in Jakarta

Best Places for Corporate Outing in Jakarta

Having too much work for anyone is very stressful. This is felt by most employees in major cities in the…

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Back to 1930s with the Iconic Ragusa Ice Cream in Jalan Veteran Jakarta

Back to 1930s with the Iconic Ragusa Ice Cream in Jalan Veteran Jakarta

Central Jakarta is one of the administrative cities of Jakarta and also a place of government offices and the Presidential…

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Karawaci Food Hunt Guide

Karawaci Food Hunt Guide

Many of you who live in Karawaci don’t need to be worried. Although the location is far from Jakarta, it…

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One Day Food Hunt in Gading Serpong

One Day Food Hunt in Gading Serpong

Looking for a restaurant in Gading Serpong is not difficult. This area has become one of the culinary centers in…

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