
Your Guide to Jakarta

Recomennded Kost Sarinah: Strategic and Affordable!

Recomennded Kost Sarinah: Strategic and Affordable!

Who doesn’t know the Sarinah area? Sarinah is an area located in the middle of the city where there are…

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Things to Do in Pasar Minggu

Things to Do in Pasar Minggu

Pasar Minggu is one of the districts located in South Jakarta. You might have heard Pasar Minggu which is known…

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Things to Do in Senopati

Things to Do in Senopati

If you’re looking for a lively place where young people can gather and enjoy their youth, you can try looking…

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Best Kost in Semanggi

Best Kost in Semanggi

Who doesn’t know Semanggi area? Semanggi is famous for its bridge that stretches past the Mall Plaza Semanggi which is…

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Things to Do in Kebayoran Lama

Things to Do in Kebayoran Lama

South Jakarta has many areas that you can explore, one of which is Kebayoran Lama. Kebayoran Lama is a sub-district…

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21 Indoor Houseplants Recommendations and Tips for Taking Care of Them

21 Indoor Houseplants Recommendations and Tips for Taking Care of Them

Do you want to find indoor houseplats that are suitable for your home? Confused how to take care of it?…

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10 Best Plants for Beginner

10 Best Plants for Beginner

Taking care of living things like ornamental plants is not easy. Especially if you are a beginner in the world…

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Brunch Spots in SCBD

Brunch Spots in SCBD

Brunch originally meant breakfast and lunch put together. That’s why brunch is the perfect solution to replenish your energy when…

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10 Affordable Apartments in Jakarta with Monthly Fee

10 Affordable Apartments in Jakarta with Monthly Fee

Finding and occupying an apartment does not have to be an expensive apartment. However, you can also find and occupy…

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Coworking Spaces around Kuningan

Coworking Spaces around Kuningan

Kuningan is the busiest area in Jakarta. It is also one of the areas included in the Jakarta Golden Triangle…

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