
Your Guide to Jakarta

Jakarta’s Guide: What to Wear in a Club?

Jakarta’s Guide: What to Wear in a Club?

To some people, going to a club on Saturday nights can be relaxing. To others, it might be a way…

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Best Dessert Places: Satisfy Your Cravings in Central Jakarta

Best Dessert Places: Satisfy Your Cravings in Central Jakarta

Dessert has been everyone’s favorite menu, with various and types of beverages, whether it’s something sweet like Red Velvet Cheesecake…

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Kosts Near Universities in West Jakarta

Kosts Near Universities in West Jakarta

West Jakarta is famous for being one of the cheapest neighborhoods in Jakarta. Therefore, college students in the area (Binus…

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Kost Near Universities in East Jakarta

Kost Near Universities in East Jakarta

East Jakarta isn’t just known for Universitas Negeri Jakarta, but it’s also known for other universities like the Kalbe Institute,…

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15 Best Coworking Space in Jakarta

15 Best Coworking Space in Jakarta

Along with the times, technology, and business, the number and the growth of entrepreneurs and freelancers in Indonesia are increasing….

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Trying out Kue: Indonesian’s Classic Festive Cookies in Lebaran

Trying out Kue: Indonesian’s Classic Festive Cookies in Lebaran

Lebaran (or Aidilfitri for our Malay-speaking friends) is a festive season when Muslims celebrate after one month of fasting by…

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7 Best Places to Buy Christmas Decoration in Jakarta

7 Best Places to Buy Christmas Decoration in Jakarta

Christmas, one of the most magical times of the year, is going to loom in no time and we won’t…

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Top 7 Adventure Parks in Jakarta

Top 7 Adventure Parks in Jakarta

In a town as crowded as Jakarta, is there anything to do besides drinking, going to malls, or eating fancy…

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4 Affordable Apartments in Thamrin

4 Affordable Apartments in Thamrin

Hunting for apartments in the Thamrin area can be tricky. Firstly, it’s a strategic area located in the golden triangle…

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5 Best Quiet Spaces in Jakarta

5 Best Quiet Spaces in Jakarta

Jakarta can be a noisy place to live for some. The urban thrum — horns blaring, traffic, trains, sirens, and…

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