
Your Guide to Jakarta

Best Natural Camping Grounds in Bogor

Best Natural Camping Grounds in Bogor

You’ve probably heard that Bogor is one of the perfect cities for a short getaway, it is known for its…

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Bulk Stores in Jakarta

Bulk Stores in Jakarta

Jakarta is a metropolitan city with a dense population. You can complete your daily needs and hobbies through a variety…

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5 Budget Apartments in West Jakarta

5 Budget Apartments in West Jakarta

Are you currently looking for an apartment with affordable price such as budget apartments in West Jakarta? West Jakarta is…

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4 Best Apartments in Senayan

4 Best Apartments in Senayan

Looking for an apartment in Senayan is not really hard! Senayan is one of the business areas in Jakarta. Senayan…

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Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in South Jakarta

Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in South Jakarta

Are you ready for another stroll into the best beer parlors in Jakarta? Be prepared. South Jakarta is not only…

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Best Beer Places: Home for the Beers in East Jakarta

Best Beer Places: Home for the Beers in East Jakarta

A beerhouse is a place that serves beer for consumption at the spot. In modern times, the definition of beerhouse…

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Top 6 Hobby Expos in Jakarta

Top 6 Hobby Expos in Jakarta

The Jakartans’ idea of weekends isn’t just lazing around or going to lunch at malls. They also nurture hobbies, from…

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6 Best Western Restaurants in Jakarta

6 Best Western Restaurants in Jakarta

Jakarta is a multicultural city with various cultures mingling together. Due to the diversity, the food culture in Jakarta is…

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Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in North Jakarta

Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in North Jakarta

A beerhouse is a place that serves beer for consumption at the spot. In modern times, the definition of beerhouse…

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Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in Central Jakarta

Best Beer Places: Homes for the Beers in Central Jakarta

Being the most apprehend location in Jakarta, Central Jakarta offers prominent spots to go. Central Jakarta is home to one…

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