Recommended Hospitals in Central Jakarta
Central Jakarta is the name of an administrative city in the center of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. Central Jakarta is bounded by North Jakarta to the north, East Jakarta to the east, South Jakarta to the south, and West Jakarta to the west.
As the smallest in area and population of the five cities of Jakarta, Central Jakarta still has good health care for its population by providing many hospitals in the city. There are various types of hospitals in Central Jakarta like general hospitals, specialized hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, etc. So, here are the lists of general hospitals and specialized hospitals in Central Jakarta.
General Hospital
General Hospital is a hospital that provides health services in all fields and types of diseases. General hospitals in Indonesia usually called Rumah Sakit (RS), Rumah Sakit Umum (RSUD), or Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD). Here are the lists of general hospitals in Central Jakarta.
RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo

RSUD Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
National Center General Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo is a government hospital located on Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.71, RW.5, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10430. This hospital has the vision to create a special experience for all people through an academic health system with values of integrity, professionalism, care, collaboration, and excellence.
National Center General Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPN) consists of many departments and various hospital facilities. Among them are the skin and genital department, orthopedics department, ENT department, surgery department, and others.
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: (021) 1500135
Email: info@rscm.co.id.
Website: https://www.rscm.co.id/
RSUD Tarakan Jakarta

RSUD Tarakan Jakarta
Tarakan Regional General Hospital or RSUD Tarakan Jakarta is Regional Public Hospital that is located on Jl. Kyai Caringin No.7, RT.11 / RW.4, Cideng, Gambir Subdistrict, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10150. It is one of the health service providers of the DKI Jakarta provincial government. They always strive to provide the best and quality services to the whole community through improving human resource skills, increasing technology utilization, improving facilities and targets, and increasing patient safety and comfort.
Tarakan Jakarta Hospital provides primary services for Emergency, Medical Check-Up, Outpatient and Inpatient, and is supported by PJT (Integrated Heart Center), PPT (Integrated Service Center), Pain Clinic and Pain Clinic other leading service centers
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: (021) 3503003
Email: marketingrsudtarakan@gmail.com.
Website: http://rsudtarakan.jakarta.go.id/
RSU Bunda Jakarta

RSU Bunda Jakarta
Bunda Jakarta Hospital is a general hospital that is located on Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No.21, RT.9/RW.2, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350. RSU Bunda Jakarta is the development of RSIA Bunda Jakarta services that have been serving the community since 1973.
Located in Central Jakarta’s business and trade center, this hospital provides healthcare facilities with quality medical service innovations that include specialist and subspecialist services, the latest medical equipment, and the best surgeon to the public. They provide various facilities and services such as the Intensive Care Unit, Emergency Room, laboratory, heart center, neuro center, medical check-up, and others.
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: (021) 1500799
Email: info.rsubj@bunda.co.id
Website: https://bunda.co.id/web/rsubundajakarta
RS Husada
Husada Hospital is located on Jl. Raya Mangga Besar No.137, RW.1, South Mangga Dua, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10730. On June 1, 1965, Ie Jang Seng Hospital changed its name to Husada Hospital which was inaugurated by the Government of Indonesia through the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
Husada Hospital is a type B hospital, with a capacity of 311 beds. Inpatient room facilities available: Super Suite, Suite, VIP Superior, VIP Standart, Class I, II, III, Children’s Room, Room for Obstetrics, and Gynecology, Intensive Care Room (ICU / ICCU). There are superior units of Husada Hospital, namely: Integrated Diabetes Service Unit, Stroke Unit, Liver, and Gastrointestinal Unit, Interventional Radiology, and Laparoscopic Surgery.
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: (021) 6260108
Email: husada@husada.co.id
Website: http://www.husada.co.id/
RSUD Cempaka Putih

RSUD Cempaka Putih
RSUD Cempaka Putih is a Regional Public Hospital that is located on Jl. Rawasari Cell. No.1, RT.16 / RW.2, Cempaka Putih Timur., Kec. Cempaka Putih, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10510. Cempaka Putih Regional General Hospital serves patients with the best quality and always committed to providing the best and affordable services to the community.
This hospital provides various facilities such as the inpatient room, pharmacy, radiology, emergency room, ICU, and other supporting facilities. There is also health poly such as eye poly, child poly, ENT poly, nutritional poly, etc.
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: (021) 4224243
Email: rsucempakaputih@gmail.com
Website: https://rsucempakaputih.jakarta.go.id/
RSUD Sawah Besar
RSUD Sawah Besar is a Regional Public Hospital that is located on Jl. Dwi Warna No. 6-8, Karang Anyar, Sawah Besar, RT.15 / RW.9, Kartini, Kecamatan Sawah Besar, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10740. Sawah Besar Regional General Hospital was established to be one of the Technical Implementing Units of the Health Service in the field of health services and development in the Sawah Besar Subdistrict Area to carry out individual health services plenary.
They have various facilities such as Intensive Care Units (ICU), Medical Check-Up (MCU), inpatient and outpatient care, and services such as dentists and specialists including Pediatricians, obstetrics, and gynecology, internal medicine, neurology, general surgery, etc.
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: (021) 62320819
Email: rsusawahbesar@gmail.com
Specialized Hospitals
The specialized hospital is a hospital that is primarily or exclusively engaged to patients with special care and treatment, such as patients with a cardiac condition, ENT patients, and/or any other specialized category.
Here are the lists of specialized hospitals in Central Jakarta. In Indonesia, Specialized Hospitals usually called Rumah Sakit Khusus (RSK)
RS Kramat 128

RS Kramat 128
RS Kramat 128 is located in Jl. Kramat Raya No.128, Senen, Central Jakarta. Starting from the private clinic owned by Dr. R. Soeharto, founded in 1957 and he was one of President Soekarno’s doctors in the independence era. On November 10, 1978 dr. R. Soeharto changed to “Practicing Kramat 128 Specialist (PDS Kramat 128)” and opened 5 other specialist services: Internal Medicine Specialist, ENT Specialist, General Surgical Specialist, Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist and Psychiatry.
This hospital provides various facilities such as an inpatient room, pharmacy, emergency room, ICU, and other supporting facilities. Now, RS Kramat 128 began to develop into a general hospital.
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: (021) 3918287
Email: marketing@rskramat128.com
Website: https://rskramat128.com/
RSK THT-Bedah Proklamasi
RSK THT-Bedah Proklamasi is located on Jl. Proklamasi No.43, RT.11 / RW.2, Pegangsaan, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10320. Special Hospital for Otolaryngology, KL Proklamasi is a private hospital that specializes in specialist ear, nose, throat, and neck head surgery services.
It is supported by other related service units such as teeth and mouth, medical rehabilitation, hyperbaric and other services. The hospital has the vision to become a professional and internationally standard KL ENT-Surgical Hospital.
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: (021) 3900002
Email: admin@rs-proklamasi.co.id
Website: https://rs-proklamasi.co.id/
RS THT Prof Nizar
RS THT Prof Nizar has been established since 1987. Prof. Nizar built this hospital from a private practice which was later developed by his family to become a hospital. RS THT Prof Nizar is located in Jl. Kesehatan No.09, RT.1/RW.7, Kelurahan Petojo Selatan, Kecamatan Gambir, Jakarta Pusat 10160. They provide various facilities and services such as ENT specialist clinic, surgical specialist polyclinic, radiology, tympanometry, ICU, operation room, emergency room, etc.
Open Hours: 24 hours
Call: 021 350 3435
Email: admin@rs-proklamasi.co.id
Website: https://rsthtprofnizar.com/
By going to the hospital, you will be treated doctors, nurses, and other health professionals. So, whenever you feel sick, you can always go to the hospital near your area. And, if you are located in Central Jakarta, you can go to the hospitals mentioned above. Remember, the greatest wealth is health. So, stay healthy!
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