5 Badminton Communities in Jakarta

Having the same routine daily activities sometimes makes us sick, especially if we stay in a busy place like Jakarta with all of its hustle-bustle. At times we can feel that we aren’t energetic enough, and it causes us to become unproductive. To recharge our energy, we have to find a solution. One of the ways is exercising. Hence, people usually look for some advantageous activities like joining a sports community to spend their day-off so that their bodies would keep fit. 

Healthy routine in Jakarta

Badminton is one of the most popular sports in this world. You can see that this game is being played by many people, including adults and kids. With a racket and shuttlecock and a minimum of 2 players, this game is such a good thing to do or watch. No wonder, some badminton communities are formed to accommodate those badminton lovers on their hobbies.

Are you looking for a chance to join a badminton community? Here we have collected some badminton communities for you who are currently staying in Jakarta. Let’s check them out!

1. JBP (Jakarta Badminton Players)

Jakarta Badminton Players (JBP) is a Jakarta-based badminton group intended to be a friendly community. This is suitable for you seeking a good activity and at the same time making friends. Are you a newbie and just starting to practice your skill? Don’t worry, they accept all the levels like beginner, intermediate, and advanced players. Besides making our body more fit, this community wants to invite the members for having fun. 

This community is already gaining thousands of members. For joining JBP, you can visit their group on Facebook or the website below. Their regular schedule is on Friday night and Saturday morning, so you can start your weekend by joining their game. Furthermore, each of the schedules will only be held if there are at least 4 RSVP. Hence, make sure you make your RSVP before coming to their events.

Join group: www.meetup.com/Jakarta-Badminton-Players/ 

Facebook (Group): Jakarta Badminton Players

2. Jakarta Badminton & Squash Group

Jakarta Badminton & Squash Group is a place where some multicultural people are gathering to play a fun badminton game. It is held by a member of InterNations, so this community is very expat-friendly. You can meet many people both locals and expats and have fun together. As what the groups usually do, they welcome every member no matter if you’re a pro or even just starting. The goal of this community and activity is to get healthy and be happy. 

This group has already gained hundreds of members from many backgrounds. You can see their activities and members through the website of InterNations by joining the group first. The schedule is usually held on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday in the morning or evening. You can come whenever there is a schedule and they usually play together with other badminton clubs. 

Join group: www.internations.org/activity-group/12172/activities 

3. JIS Academy & Community Sports 

If you are still a teenager, JIS Academy & Community Sports is the right club to join. It is held by the JIS (Jakarta Intercultural School) with many sporting activities in which one of them is badminton. They are open for elementary, middle, and high school students, and even adults, both JIS and non-JIS families because the activities are separated from the JIS curriculum. They offer various programs with certain schedules and registration dates, so you need to take a look at their updated information. 

To join this community, you need to register yourself before joining the programs. The registration date is usually on schedule. You also need to pay the fee since they invite the local and expat trainers. Furthermore, there are some guidelines so that there won’t be any problem with joining the activity. Not only badminton, but you can also register yourself to join any other community sports like swimming, baseball, basketball, rugby, soccer, and tennis. Hence, joining this community is such a good idea.

Email: communitysports@jisedu.or.id

Website: https://jisacademy.jisedu.or.id  

Twitter: @JISofficial 

4. ISCI (International Sports Club of Indonesia)

ISCI is the right place for you who are interested in any sports activities. Formed in 1972, they have the largest range of sports activities available anywhere in Indonesia such as sailing, badminton, cricket, fitness and aerobics, golf, rugby and soccer, squash, swimming, and tennis. The places for doing sports activities are also clean and well-facilitated. Furthermore, they have four courts and conduct regular club days and some tournaments, so you can spend good times making friends while keeping your body fit.

Running Communities in Jakarta

To join this group, you can register yourself as a member of paying some fees. By being a member, you can use the court and enjoy the facilities and services offered. You can pay monthly or annually depending on your plan. ISCI also welcomes expats to join the membership for a short period. For the membership details and other information, you can check their website. 

Website: www.isci-jakarta.com 

Facebook: International Sports Club of Indonesia

5. Solid Badminton Community

For those badminton enthusiasts, you can join the friendly group in Jakarta named Solid Badminton Community (SBC). This community invites those who are living in Jakarta and its nearby areas to join and play together at the Gemilang Conder Sports Center, East Jakarta. They use three badminton courts on each schedule. Besides having some fun matches, you can get the chance to make friends since the members are friendly.

To join SBC, you just need to call the number below or ask any questions on their Instagram account. The requirements are just having an interest in badminton and owning the badminton equipment. They won’t restrict any member whether you’re a pro or newbie. Furthermore, they held a match every Saturday from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m., and usually, you need to pay the sharing fee around Rp25.000 to 35.000 for the courts.  

Instagram: @solidbadminton

WhatsApp: +6281 936194636

Such good communities, aren’t they? We hope that you can join a group that suits you best. If you are having some other hobbies and looking for other sports communities in Jakarta, you can click here for our recommendations. 

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